
Showing posts from June, 2009

Illinois Senate opposes Afghan war

The great freedom state, the state of Illinois, is on the right track and all peaceloving citizens of the United States would be pleased to know what the State of Illinois has done. The Illinois Senate has passed a resolution against the war in Afghanistan. Here are some excerpts of Illinois State Senate Resolution Opposing Afghanistan War: RESOLVED, That on behalf of the citizens of Illinois, the Senate believes that it is not in the national interest of the United States to deepen its military involvement in Afghanistan, particularly by escalating the United States military force presence in Afghanistan, that the 17,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan should be recalled from there, and that we should concentrate on capturing Osama bin Laden; and be it further RESOLVED, That the primary objective of United States strategy in Afghanistan should be to have the Afghani political leaders make the political compromises necessary to end the violence in Afghanistan; and be it further ...

A Civil War: Obama's Gift to Pakistan

A civil war is brewing in Pakistan. Thanks to President Barack Obama, who is shifting the American war from Iraq to “the real enemies” operating from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Cash-strapped Pakistan could not defy Obama persuasion and decided to wage a war against its own people, the Pashtuns inhabiting the Northern Province and the tribal areas of Waziristan. Decades ago, Pakistan waged a similar war against its own people, the Bengalis in East Pakistan. In 1971, the Pakistani military charged to wipe out Mukti Bahini, a Bengali resistance force, paved the way for the nation’s dismemberment. In 2009, the military is charged to eliminate the Taliban, a Pashtun resistance force. History is repeating itself in Pakistan—as it frequently does for nations that do not learn from past mistakes. Read the entire article