Islamophobia among Journalists and Intellectuals

There is a coordianted effort on part of academics, scholars, think-tankers, journalists and others to create a profle of Muslim militants as essentialist terrorists who commit heartless violence because they are spiritually addicted to violence. These authors argue that no concrete grievances or violations of rights cause Muslim militancy. Free to trash the core beliefs of Islam and free to make fun of Islamic creeds, the Highly influential Terrorist Literature (HITLit) has successfully equated puritan Islam with terrorism. Most HITLit authors, known as terrorism experts, are research associates with influential think tanks such as RAND and the American Enterprise Institute, and some teach at Harvard University. Some have worked for the National Security Council and the U.S. Defense Department. These authors include Bernard Lewis, Bruce Hoffman, Steven Simon, Jessica Stern, Daniel Benjamin, and Richard Perle. They appear on National Public Radio and major radio and television networks to comment on terrorist events and disseminate their views to the general public. The HITLit themes of the essentialist terrorist are further disseminated through the views of collaborating journalists such as Thomas Friedman, Charles Krauthammer, David Brooks, and William Kristol. This Article argues that the HITLit theories splash distortions that lead to lawlessness.

For a more detailed examination of Islamophobia among American journalists and intellectuals, read and download


  1. Prof Ali Khan,
    We will be extremely honoured if you would consider our invitation to write a contribution (posting) or a series of articles for publication on our website. Without limiting you to any aspect forming the basis of this site, you may possibly consider one of the following subjects:
    The effectiveness of international criminal courts and tribunals;
    International prosecution: Justice by the victor over the vanguished?
    Legitimacy and credibility of this tribunal;
    Blacklisting as a precursor to legitimate indictment;
    Iran: Legal merits for US/UE attach?
    Dwindling natural resources as a motive for aggression.

    International Law applied to the Iraq situation;
    Specific indictments relating to specific persons;
    Specific crimes and the available evidence , etc.

    As this project is principle driven and no financial benefit is gained, we can unfortunately offer no monetary remuneration.

    No limit is placed on the length of the article and you are absolutely free to add such hyperlinks as you may wish.

    Your kind consideration will be sincerely appreciated.

    Best regards,

    Johan Grobler.


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